Using the services of prostitutes in Kiev is easy and pleasant. Just go to the site, select the appropriate parameters of the figure and the search area, view the profiles of girls and call the one that you liked the most. But in order for a meeting with a moth to leave only the best impressions, you need to follow certain rules.
Rule #1. You need to protect your finances
Individuals of Kiev are not only passionate mistresses, but also subtle psychologists. They can easily "promote" the client to pay for additional services. Therefore, with a limited budget, you need to:
Immediately read the price list and discuss the final amount that will need to be paid for the services of the girl.
Take with you a limited amount of money, which is enough for a taxi, whore services and minor additional expenses.
It is also important to protect your finances from scammers and robbers. In no case should you brag about your financial situation, talk about your place of residence and work. Prepayment for the services of prostitutes is also not provided. It requires only a Scam.
If the girl after providing all the previously agreed services requires more money, feel free to contact the administration or leave a negative review on the site. Similarly, you can complain about poor-quality services, fraud attempts, etc.
Rule No.2. Discuss and plan the program of the evening
In the process of discussing payment for the services of a whore, you need to clearly express all your wishes, from the color of underwear to sex poses. This is necessary in order for the girl to accurately confirm that she will be able to realize all your fantasies. Here is a simple example. Blowjob can be in a condom and without a condom, normal and deep, with the end on the face, chest or mouth. Accordingly, it is necessary to clarify whether all types of blowjobs are made by a whore and whether there is a difference in price.
Rule #3. Try not to call whores at home
It is best to meet with prostitutes either in her apartment or on a neutral territory – in a hotel, sauna, country cottage, rented apartment, etc. At the same time, you should not agree to the offer to go somewhere in an unfamiliar place or stop by on the way to suspicious places.
Even if the girl is one of the elite prostitutes in Kiev, inviting her home is not the best idea. Curious neighbors can ruin your life, especially if one of them can tell about the girl is visit to relatives, friends or colleagues.
Rule No.4. Do not drink too much and do not use unfamiliar drugs
Sometimes before the visit of a luxurious whore, men drink for courage. At the same time, they often forget about the sense of proportion, which is why they come to a "non-working" state. To avoid conflict situations and embarrassments, it is better not to drink at all or limit yourself to one glass (glass) of alcohol.
In a similar way to lift the spirits of men have the habit of drinking unfamiliar drugs. We are talking about all sorts of exciting or narcotic drugs. Their reception can end tragically. Overdose, allergies, side effects – all this is extremely unpleasant.
Rule #5. Do not try to deceive a prostitute
Even if a girl works for herself, this does not mean that you can use her services and leave without paying. All prostitutes in Kiev cooperate with security, which quickly solves their problems. Therefore, you should not try to deceive the girl by paying her less than the required amount or paying with fake bills.