Throughout the existence of mankind, people have always paid tribute to sensual eroticism. It is enough to recall Ancient Greece, where sexual scenes were depicted in sculptures, mosaics, poems and heroic epics. Even in the era of the prim Middle Ages, educated ladies read vulgar novels, and ordinary people exchanged shameful pictures.
With the advent of the Internet, the spread of eroticism has reached a new level. Now everything that was forbidden by the censorship has become public. And the development of technology has led to the emergence of virtual sex.
What is virtual sex and how do they do it?
Wirth is a sex entertainment in which any number of people can take part. It is enough to go to any webcam site to understand all the subtleties of virtual sex.
If you describe it briefly, wirth most often looks like this: a pretty young girl registers on a website as a model and shows erotic shows to the audience for donates.
The difference between watching porn and having virtual sex is huge. First, viewers participate in the show and pay for certain actions of the model. Secondly, the realism of sensations is provided by interactive toys.
Interactive toys are various vibrators that are controlled by users over the Internet. The user throws donates into the system and adjusts the vibration intensity. Similar toys can be used by a man. Now on sale there are a lot of artificial vaginas and mouths with different modes of operation.
I must say that virtual sex on webcam is popular all over the world. The largest number of visitors to web sites is located in the United States. However, this is not surprising – sex on webcam for the first time occurred in America and there also received mass distribution.
Now virtual sex has received a new branch of development. With the help of virtual reality glasses, you can take a closer look at all the charms of an erotic show and enjoy them to your heart is content. In combination with interactive toys for men, such sex is not inferior to the usual.
By the way, wirth can occur not only between webcam models and their fans, but also between ordinary lovers. The main thing is to think through the details of the show and be as relaxed as possible. Even without sex toys, wirth between lovers can become one of the most striking sex experiments of a couple.
5 reasons to try virtual sex
There are several reasons why you should try to do wirth:
Substitute for phone sex. There are situations when a couple is forced to part for a long period of time. Business trips, travel, sick leave – all this is not a reason to refuse sex with a partner. To compensate for the distance and give new sensations will help a regular webcam.
Quick relaxation. Many men prefer virtual sex to ordinary sex with real prostitutes in Kiev. The reason for this is embarrassment and banal employment. In the company of a sultry beauty from a webcam site, you can spend 5-15 minutes pleasantly, then return to normal business. Of course, it does not compare to the sensations of sex with a call girl, but it will help you save time.
New sensations. If the passion in the relationship has faded, sex on webcam is a great way to diversify your sex life. Thinking through the script of the show, preparing costumes, buying toys and lubricants, the couple will be able to revive the passion.
Relationship with a foreigner. Girls from all over the world work in the webcam industry. You can see how American, German, and English women behave during orgasm… We can say that virtual sex expands the geography of a man is sexual life.
Search for ideas. Sometimes banal sex with a permanent partner is boring, and new ideas do not come to mind. There are two ways to find an alternative: rent a prostitute or pay for the services of a webcam model. Those men who do not dare to change, choose the second option.