Call girls are often called representatives of the most ancient profession. Why is it so? Did prostitution appear even in the period of the primitive communal system? Let is ask expert historians about this.
The history of prostitution: from Ancient Sumer to the present day
At a time when slavery was ubiquitous, male prostitutes were not particularly needed. Their role was performed by slaves, their own or others. But there was a tradition of sex for money. Modern historians call it religious prostitution.
The beliefs of ancient people whimsically distorted public morality. The woman had to be chaste before the wedding and faithful to her husband. But once a year, married ladies had to sell their bodies to anyone who wanted to, giving money to the needs of the temple. Such traditions existed in Ancient Sumer, Babylon, and other states of that era.
Significant changes occurred only in the period of antiquity. The ancient Greeks could not satisfy their sexual fantasies with slaves. The slaves were not sufficiently educated for this purpose. So there were hetaera - "friends". They took money not just for sex, but for communication, pleasant company. Hetaerae danced masterfully, knew the content of all popular literary works at that time, were able to sing and had a fine sense of humor.
With the advent of hetaera, prostitution became one of the institutions of society. It was then that it was first legalized, obliging prostitutes to pay taxes to the treasury.
It must be said that at that time prostitution was developing all over the world. At a great distance from Ancient Greece in Japan, girls appeared who perform a similar role. Japanese courtesans were called geishas. Their traditions and culture still exist today.
The more developed humanity is, the greater the distribution was received by prostitution. Carts of whores accompanied the troops, and brothels were opened in all major cities. At the same time, the attitude of society to prostitutes was different. Sometimes their work was declared illegal, sometimes the state invested money in opening brothels. Even during the prim Middle Ages, prostitutes were an integral part of society.
In the modern world, prostitution is not only one of the unusual professions. With the help of whores, the budget of many states really increases. Thailand, the Netherlands, Finland and many other countries earn millions of dollars annually on sex tourism. The sex industry attracts hundreds of thousands of thrill seekers.
By the way, Ukraine is also in the TOP 20 countries popular with sex tourists. Prostitutes of Kiev are famous for their beauty, reliability and rather low prices. Therefore, it can be difficult to find a free individual during any international holidays or major events.
What does a modern prostitute look like?
After viewing the profiles of real prostitutes in Kiev, you can be surprised at how good these girls look. In fairness, it is worth saying that many beauties who require special treatment for themselves do not even half reach the level of Kiev whores. And this applies not only to escorts, but also to cheap prostitutes. The question arises: why actually spend a lot of money and time to satisfy the whims of another cute fool, if you can pay 1500-3000 hryvnia and get full service in bed?
Many wealthy men in Kiev have long understood that prostitutes are cheaper. At the same time, they do not bring problems, do not try to call their wife or simulate pregnancy. Therefore, on vacation and on various events, they increasingly take with them escorts who know how to behave in society and do not bother with whims. This is exactly what a modern prostitute looks like – a pretty, smart, interesting girl who can replace a mistress and does not require extra costs.